5 Catholic books that can change your life this year

5 Catholic books that can change your life this year

Timing is everything. The right book at the right time works wonders. Take Edith Stein for example – one night she picked up a biography of St. Teresa of Avila, and it literally converted her.

If you’re serious about your spiritual growth, the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to find great books. To save you time, we’ve rounded up five excellent options.

When does Christmas actually end? Reading 5 Catholic books that can change your life this year 4 minutes Next What should you give up for Lent? Ask these 3 questions

Timing is everything.

The right book at the right time works wonders. Take Edith Stein for example – one night she picked up a biography of St. Teresa of Avila, and it literally converted her.

If you’re serious about your spiritual growth, the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to find great books. To save you time, we’ve rounded up five excellent options. 

Here’s what our recommended books can help you accomplish this year:

  • Be happy, not just busy.
  • Become a pro at reading the Bible.
  • Defend the Faith to non-Catholics.
  • Go on a retreat, but at home!
  • Start new Catholic traditions with your family.

    Read on to discover the books and get copies for yourself.

    Be happy, not just busy.


    “Prudence: Choose Confidently, Live Boldly” by Fr. Gregory Pine

    Your life is built upon the decisions you make day in and day out. But do those decisions make you happy? Like, TRULY happy? If the answer is “No,” then fear not! There’s a virtue for that: prudence.

    This book blows apart the popular belief that prudence means being cautious. It’s actually about directing your time and energy to fulfill the deepest desires of your heart. And who doesn’t want that?

    Get it here.

    Become a pro at reading the Bible.

    You Can Understand the Bible

    “You Can Understand the Bible” by Peter Kreeft

    Maybe you’ve wanted to read the Bible, but it feels overwhelming. Or maybe you did the “Bible in a Year” podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz, but now you want to go deeper. Either way, you’ll want to keep this book on hand!

    Dr. Kreeft knows his stuff, but he doesn’t talk like a scholar — he talks like a friend saying, “Here, let me show you how to get the most out of reading the Bible.” He goes through every book, so you can understand everything – even those hard books of the Old Testament! If you feel intimidated by the Bible, this book will transform it into your go-to source for inspiration.

    Get it here.

    Defend the Faith to non-Catholics.

    What to Say and How to Say It

    “What to Say and How to Say It” by Brandon Vogt

    It’s going to happen at some point this year: a friend, family or coworker will ask you (or even challenge you) about a Catholic teaching. How will you respond? With a deer-in-the-headlights look, or with a clear and confident response?

    Brandon Vogt based this book on his years of experience defending Church teachings on atheism, transgenderism, abortion and more. Once you read his crystal-clear explanations, you’ll never get stuck for a response no matter what people ask you.

    Get it here.

    Go on a retreat, but at home!

    Consoling the Heart of Jesus

    “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” by Fr. Michael Gaitley

    In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we need to slow down or else we burn out. That’s why we have retreats. But how can we find the time to get that spiritual refreshment we need so badly? With this book, we can! 

    Fr. Michael Gaitley wrote this book to give you a profound (yet relaxed) retreat experience in the comfort of your own home. It’s amazing how much he packed into these pages. You’ll immerse yourself in incredible reflections on Jesus, the Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy. The best part is, you can read the entire thing in one weekend – and repeat it as often as you want.

    Get it here.

    Start new Catholic traditions with your family.

    Catholic All Year Compendium

    “The Catholic All Year Compendium” by Kendra Tierney 

    This book is a gold mine for Catholic parents who want to do more Church traditions with their family. It’s written by a mom who figured out (through trial and error) how to do it with several kids, busy schedules and, of course, a budget. So not only will you learn a ton about Advent, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time, you’ll also get tons of practical activities to weave your faith into your family lifestyle.

    Get it here.

    There’s no time like the present. Use these books to advance in prayer, sharpen your intellect or live out your faith every day with your family.

    Happy reading!